Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vernalization and Hardening Off

I've read that artichokes need a vernalization period in order to produce well the first year. So one of my seedlings is outside right now experiencing "winter" while the other basks in a warm, sunny window, under a grow light. The websites I read said that they should be exposed to 50F weather for about two weeks. But, of course, they're not frost tolerant so they can't be planted outside yet.

Yesterday, we had a high of 60F and a low of 43F.

My onion, shallot, pac choi, and cabbage seedlings as well as the pansies are outside hardening off. I skipped the hardening off step last year and had a very stunted garden. I'm not sure if it was all due to not hardening off. We had a warm May and then a cool, dry summer. But I'm trying hardening off this year. The websites say 1-2 weeks of gradual acclimation to sun, wind and dryness. I just put everything out in a sheltered spot on Saturday and, so far, have kept them well-watered.

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