Saturday, April 3, 2010

Onion Seedlings Planted

It's in the 40s and sunny this morning and is expected to get up to the 60s with rain tonight. The trees have small leaves and flower buds now.

This morning, I planted my onion seedlings outside and put in another couple rows of lettuce. It's the first time I've tried succession planting.
Onion seedlings.

This onion is from last year's seedlings. I let it overwinter to see what would happen.

My bulbs have been well-grazed by the local bunnies, but continue to grow. The tulips and daffodils have immature blossoms on them.
Tulip bud.


Dan's garlics are growing well.

My greenhouse plots. From near to far, you can see: lettuce, radishes (and barely visible are the carrot seedlings), spinach, onion (barely visible), turnips, and lettuce. I planted everything too thick so, this morning, I thinned the radishes and the turnips a little.

The green house. A few of the gardeners started before I did and their plots are thriving.

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