Monday, May 3, 2010

It's May!

Between church and the May Day Parade, I checked on my garden. Nothing wilting or eaten yet. I brought out my next batch of plants for vernalization which include: tomatoes, peppers, pac choi, and chinese cabbage. I left them out for seven hours. The somewhat-leggy tomatoes were bent over and twisted by the end of the day. Good thing I'm breaking them in!

It was a busy weekend in the garden. I met a lot of new gardeners. It's fun to have other people out there now that the weather is getting nicer.

First Day of May!
I planted my, now vernalized, early cabbage, shallots, onions and pansies. I also threw in some more California poppy seeds and put in some hollyhock seeds.

I harvested more spinach and lettuce. The rows looked small when I planted them. But now I have more lettuce than I know what to do with. The spinach cooks down a lot when you steam it. Next year I will plant less lettuce and do more succession plantings.

Spinach, lambs quarters, and some radishes on the bottom. I steamed the spinach with the lambsquarters and they were delicious. I kept the radish greens and I'll cook them up later. I don't like them quite as much. You really do have to cook them since the leaves are a little furry.

Lots of lettuce.

I put in some okra seeds and planted a sprouting ginger root in the greenhouse. I figure those are plants that like it hot. We'll see.

Last weekend, my parents visited to celebrate my birthday.
Linder's seeds.

A proper garden inspection.

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