Sunday, May 23, 2010

Past Last Frost

Sweet William. This flower was planted last year. I wasn't sure what it was when it came up this spring so I'm glad I didn't weed it. It is very fragrant in the morning and has a sweet aroma like petunias.

Our last frost date is 5/12 here so I have planted all of my seedlings outdoors now. Despite my best intentions, I did not properly harden my plants off. It was due to a combination of schedule (being out of town for Grandma's funeral), weather (it frosted), and lack of patience (predictable).

On Sunday, May 16, I planted my tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, pac choi, chinese cabbage, one basil, lots of flower seeds, and some herb seeds outdoors.

Dan put up the trellis for the peas and they are eagerly learning to climb.

This artichoke is the bigger of the two.
This is the smaller artichoke. They were about the same size originally (though this one was a little bigger). But when I put the other artichoke outdoors for vernalization, it really stunted its growth. It will be interesting to see how much catch up growth it does. So far, they both look about the same as when they first went outdoors a week ago.

This are the onions that overwintered. The tops of the flower buds reach my lower rib cage when I'm standing next to them.

Sunflower erupting.

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