Sunday, May 30, 2010

Neglected Garden

I have been out of town and working for much of the last week. So I have not been very good at watering my recent transplants and seedlings. It's supposed to rain tonight so I'm hoping that my garden will get watered the old fashioned way.

My tulip tops are starting to turn yellow and tip over. I removed some of the deader ones today but, in the process, I pulled up one bulb. I removed the debris from the dry and dead leaves of the crocuses which now looks like hay.

In the greenhouse, my lettuce had been harvested. The overseers of the greenhouse saw a lot of produce getting leggy and potentially bitter in the heat so they asked permission to harvest it for the local food shelf. I asked them to leave some though because I wanted to continue eating some of it, too. But it looked pretty worked through when it was all said and done. So I pulled out a lot of the more bedraggled plants. Next year, I'll try to remember to not plant quite so much!

The tomatoes in the greenhouse had fallen over so I put in tomato cages. There are a few volunteer tomatoes that I decided to just leave standing. But they're not in good spots to put cages around.

My next project is figuring out what to do with turnips.

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