Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Most of my seedlings have sprouted at amazing speed. I am proud of my precocious little guys who are surpassing their developmental milestones. On the other hand, now I can't blame them in the event of their untimely demise.

Photo: Mostly onions with some little Thai peppers in the background. Plant markers are made from a cut up milk carton labeled with Sharpie.

My grow light is up and running. I have it on a timer so it turns on at 6am and off at 8pm. I've been contemplating getting a warming pad for germination.

Dan planted his bell peppers and early cabbage today. He did a nice, neat job of it. Even sorted the seeds by color in the hope that the pepper mix will produce a true mix of colors. It is so tempting to grow more seeds than we need!

Out in the garden, the soil is warming up a little. More bulbs are sprouting. I think the crocuses are almost 1/2 an inch tall now. Friday is the official first day of spring. We're expecting temps ranging from 28 for a low to 57 for a high and then rain at the beginning of next week.

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