Sunday, March 15, 2009

Plant Notes

1. Thai Dragon Pepper
Lake Valley Seed - 2009
Planted Monday, 3/9, germinated 3/17. Should mature 5/18 (70 days).
2. Spanish Utah Onion
Lake Valley Seed – 2009
Planted Monday, 3/9, germinated 3/16. Should mature 6/17 (100 days).
3. Candy Hybrid Onion
Lake Valley Seed – 2009
Planted Monday, 3/9, germinated 3/16. Should mature 6/2 (85 days).
4. Sweet Basil
Burpee - 2008
Planted Sunday, 3/15, germinated 3/19.
5. Marigolds
seeds from last year's garden, originally a yellow/orange mix from Linder's
Planted Sunday, 3/15, germinated 3/17.
6. Petunia Pearls Royal Blue
Burpee - 2009
Planted Monday, 3/16, germinated 3/23.
3(?)/pot, seeds tiny! Only two seedlings (total). I wonder if the seed packet had leaked and I was just planting the filler/preservative that came in the packet.
7. Morning Glory Clarks's Heavenly Blue
Livingston Seed Company - 2009
Planted Monday, 3/16, germinated 3/18.
Grow tall fast: 1.75 inches tall on 3/19, 5.5 inches tall 3/24.
8. Pepper Carnival Mix
Burpee - 2009
Planted Wednesday, 3/18, germinated 3/27. Should mature 5/26 (70 days).
Tried to sort seeds by color (?)
9. Pepper Big Dipper
Burpee - 2009
Planted Wednesday, 3/18, germinated 3/29. Should mature 5/29 (73 days).
10. Cabbage Earliana
Burpee - 2009
Planted Wednesday, 3/18, germinated 3/26. Should mature 5/16 (60 days).
11. Tomato Super Beefsteak
Burpee - 2008
Planted Friday 3/27, germinated 4/1. Should mature 6/15 (80 days).
12. Snapdragon Tall Deluxe Mixed Colors
American Seed - 1997(!)
Planted Friday 3/27, germinated 4/7.
MANY/pot (old seeds)
13. Petunias
seeds from last year's garden -originally dark purple from Linder's.
Planted Friday 3/27, germinated 4/3.
MANY/pot resulted in many seedlings.
14. Tomato Sun Gold Hybrid
Burpee - 2009
Planted Monday 3/30, germinated 4/4. Should mature 6/3 (65 days).
15. Tomato Big Boy Hybrid
Burpee - 2009
Planted Monday 3/30, germinated 4/4. Should mature 6/16 (78 days).
16. Cabbage Red Acre
Livingston Seed Company - 2009
Planted Wednesday 4/1, germinated 4/7. Should mature 6/15-20 (75-80 days).
17. Cabbage Premium Flat Dutch Late
Livingston Seed Company - 2009
Planted Wednesday 4/1, germinated 4/9. Should mature 6/20-7/10 (80-100 days).
18. Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield
Livingston Seed Company - 2009
Planted Wednesday 4/1, germinated 4/7. Should mature 6/3 (63 days).
19. Okra Red Burgundy
Thompson & Morgan - 2009
Planted Wednesday 4/8, germinated 4/10. Should mature (85 days).
20. Zinnia Sombrero
Jung Seed Co. - old (?year)
Planted Wednesday 4/8.
Old seed, planted at least 5/pot. Only two germinated. They were both in the same pot.
21. Cilantro
Planted 4/13.

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