Monday, June 28, 2010

Abundant Harvest, and it's only June!

Today I harvested:
-kohlrabi - outdoors
-beet - greenhouse
-lettuce - it finally bolted - greenhouse
-carrots - finger-sized, I was really just thinning the row - greenhouse
-one volunteer cilantro - greenhouse
-peas - I harvested these yesterday - outdoors

Other things I could harvest if I wanted to:
-green onions

I weeded the garden and greenhouse today. The weeds had finally had a growth spurt. But so did everything else. It's grey and cool today. I'd like more warm weather after the rain we've had so everything will grow.

Lillies and bachelor buttons.




Not too many pictures of the garlic we've harvested so far. We gave some away and ate some. It was hot (spicy) and flavorful.

This is one of the blue flowers I planted a couple of weeks ago. I'm excited to see blossoms.

The cabbages have small heads. The past two years the cabbages have been a big focus in the garden. This year, they were more of an after thought. I put in some Earliana cabbages because they were my favorite last year for two reasons: they came early and they were sweet and mild in flavor.

Suprise! Ginger. I planted a ginger root from my kitchen two months ago. I thought it had died because it never sprouted. When I went out the to the greenhouse yesterday there was this 4 inch ginger plant. I love the suprises of gardening.

Okra blossoms. I have a few okras in the greenhouse. Suprisingly, something ignored the lettuce and carrots and ate many of the okra seedlings. But not all. These are well ahead of where my outdoors okra was last year.

I'm happy my greenhouse tomatoes have tomatoes on them. I wasn't sure if there would be pollination problems. One of three plants (they're all different varieties) has small tomatoes. Interestingly, the outdoors tomatoes are bigger and have more tomatoes on them.

I thinned the carrots in the greenhouse. The carrots in this picture are finger-sized. I always feel so guilty thinning plants. But I was suprised at how big the carrots are. Now, hopefully, the remaining carrots will have more of an opportunity to grow big.

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