Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Raining

We've got rain now. The forecast says rain off and on for the next week! My garden will be so happy.

Today, I went out and planted more morning glories. The morning glories that I planted before did not germinate, with the exception of one spunky seed. I think I didn't water them enough because I was out of town. So I'm hoping that, with the predicted rain, this batch will happily germinate in the moist soil. I planted mostly the traditional blue morning glories, some (old) seeds for red morning glories and the three remaining seeds for the purple, white-edged morning glories. I hope I get some of the purple ones. They're awfully pretty on the seed packet and I've never seen them before.

As I write this, I am eating pak choi that I picked this morning. One of the plants had begun to bolt so I harvested two and stir fried them with sesame oil, garlic, ginger, and green onions (also from the garden). The dual purpose was to remove some of the shade over one of the artichokes. The artichoke was starting to get crowded out by a kohlrabi, two snapdragons, and the pak choi plants.

It is so pleasant in the greenhouse in the rain. I am tempted to bring a book out there to read. I just watered today. It looks like something ate the leaves off of my okra seedlings. There are just sad little stems sticking out of the ground. But what would eat okra seedling leaves and leave the lettuce alone.

The tomatoes are blooming now. The peppers have blooms and small peppers. The cabbages have small heads. The blue bachelor buttons and the blue, just bigger than a golf ball, allium flowers look especially pretty in the rain.

I'll find my camera soon. We took it out of town when we were gone and I haven't been able to find it yet. Then we'll have pictures.

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