Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Horse Manure

Dad brought me some fertilizer from home (courtesy of the horses). It rained the day after he put the manure in the ground so hopefully it is on its way to becoming one with the soil.

The bulbs are in the near half of the garden so the manure is just going on the other half of the garden (where the veggies will grow this summer).

I have been doing some research about horse manure:
1. Horse manure is best not applied fresh since the chemicals in the horse feces and urine (nitrogen and uric acid) may cause chemical burns to plants. Horse manure can be composted to avoid this problem.
2. Horse manure is a good source of bacteria which may be beneficial to garden plants. However, it is possible (though unlikely) that it can carry bacteria like E. coli that can make people sick.
3. Horse manure can be a source of weed seeds since horses' digestion is inefficient. There are processes that will decrease the seeds' viability.

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