Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dream Grow Light

Like most Minnesotans, I have been dreaming of spring. It feels so close right now. My snow drops are blooming in the garden and the tulips and daffodils are sending forth their first shoots.

My plants are thriving under the grow lights. So far, I've had only a couple of mortalities. It turns out that cats like onion seedlings.

I've been enjoying looking at the garden blog of a woman who lives near Boston. She has a warmer climate (zone 6, compared to my zone 4a) so her garden is one step ahead of me. Today, I was looking at it and saw that her grow light set-up looks very similar to mine. Only she has more plants and longer lights. I felt pretty good about this because she has a bigger garden. I can only hope that I will have a bigger garden someday and need more grow lights.

These are my grow lights.

This is what I hope that my grow lights look like in the future.

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