Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dwarf Iris

It is a beautiful day in the garden. The sun is just coming up. The birds and squirrels are very active and talkative.

Today, my dwarf iris is blooming. I wish that I'd saved the packaging for the bulbs I planted last fall so I knew what to expect now. Fortunately, I didn't throw away my bulb planting map so I have some way of identifying what is coming up now.

Dwarf Iris

Bulb map. This area is 9 feet x 2+ feet.
The west side of my garden is the side of the garden that faces the road. Thus, I consider it the "front" edge of my garden. This western 1/3 of my garden will be my flower garden and the eastern 2/3 of my garden will be veggies.

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