Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring is Early this Year

I was looking back through my garden blog and it seems like spring is earlier this year. Looking at last year's pictures, my garden looked quite desolate at this time. But right now it is full of life. The spring bulbs are blooming and growing and the garlics are getting big.

It's Saturday today, so I spent a little more time outside than I do during the week. But today I noticed spring bird songs, three herons, and buds on the trees. It's also 49F degrees out and it looks like it might rain.

In the greenhouse, the spinach, radish, lettuce and kohlrabi have germinated.

Inside, my seedlings are germinating and growing.
This is a Bella Hot Pepper unfurling from its seed.

Oh, and the bunnies ate my biggest crocuses.

Happy Bulbs

It was in the mid 20s last night. The bulbs did not mind at all.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Greenhouse Seedlings Up

In the greenhouse, the lettuce, kohlrabi, and radishes have germinated. None of the outdoor seedlings has germinated.

It is predicted to get down to 23F tonight. I hope that my bulbs will survive the cold.

Dwarf Irises.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Garden Questions

Crocuses. The most beautiful thing in the garden.

I have many garden related things on my mind.

1. Is it too early to plant seeds outdoors?
I had a discussion with a more experienced gardener in my community garden and she thought it was not too early.

2. What does "days to maturation" on the seed packet mean?
I e-mailed the UofMN Extension and the "Master Gardener" replied that it means days from time of transplant.

3. What grows in a greenhouse?
The Master Gardener thought:
-In the summer: cucumber, gourd, cantaloupe (muskmelon), squash, pumpkin, watermelon, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant.
-In the cool seasons: Onions, turnips, cabbage, radishes, broccoli, leafy greens, cauliflower, spinach, and lettuce.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of spring. It is in the 30s outside today.

I spent three hours out in the garden today. I planted both my greenhouse space and put some seeds in my garden.
I think it might be a little too early to put seeds outside. But I wanted to be able to compare how the seeds would grow outside and in the greenhouse.

Passing war protest. This was just the front of the group, which stretched a block and a half down the street. It was kind of neat because I could hear them in the distance for probably about half an hour before they showed up on my block. Urban gardening ambience.

In the greenhouse. Freshly planted rows of lettuce, spinach, carrots, radishes, and kohlrabi.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Crocuses Are Up


I removed the mulch from around my bulbs. I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do. I'm a little worried that my plants are too tender and that removing the mulch will make them vulnerable. But the straw was a bright gold color that didn't seem to fit in and I thought the soil looked prettier. I did say a little prayer for my garden on the walk back to my house: "God, please don't freeze my little bulbs." Not that I suspect my bulbs are at the top of God's priority list, but it never hurts.

We just got our greenhouse assignments. I've never gardened in a greenhouse before. But Augsburg has added a greenhouse to our community garden and offered gardeners plots for the first time this spring. I'm really excited to give it a try.
Inside greenhouse, looking west.

My plot. It's about 3'x4'.

Meanwhile, inside, my artichokes are growing while I wait for my seeds to germinate.

Peppers. Which seem to take forever to germinate. But it's only been seven days for the Thai Dragon peppers and three days for the other seeds.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March Sprinkles

I enjoy the crows in my garden. They talk constantly and are beautiful in flight.

6pm on a grey March day.


Kale. Is it still alive or just frozen in time?
Addendum 3/29/10: it was just frozen. Once it warmed up, the leaves wilted and turned to mush.

March may not be the most beautiful month in MN.

My eternally happy dianthus.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sepia-Toned World

The weather report says that we had a high of 50F today. But it is grey and misty out. As I was driving to work today, I was thinking that the world looked like a sepia-toned print with all of the shades of white, brown and grey. But the mist is steady and soaking and I'm hoping that my bulbs are enjoying every minute of it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Onions In

Today, I planted the onion seeds that I ordered from Jung's. I was a little suprised at how long it took for my order to come (I ordered last Thursday and the seeds came in the mail this Friday).
Candy Hybrid
Yellow Sweet Spanish Hybrid
Mars Hybrid

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Artichoke & Onion


Onions. Dan tells me their mother was a yellow onion.