Sunday, September 13, 2009


Now that it's mid-September, the weather is finally getting warm. My tomatoes have just started to ripen and the okra has just started to make new fruit.
These tomatoes have been on the vine, green, for over a month.

You can see the okra blooming and starting to bear fruit.

I planted seeds for winter crops last month. I know it's late and I'm an optimist. But with such a cool summer, we're due for a warm fall!

Radish & Turnip Seedlings
Now I look forward to October so I can plant the four varieties of garlic I have collected.

Garlic Chives
The only problem with having a fall garden is that it makes it harder to dig everything up and work the soil. The front half of the garden has bulbs in it. The back half has seedlings and will soon have garlic. So how do I aerate and fertilize if I can't till these areas?
Garden, 9/12/09

Swiss Chard
Morning Glory

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