Monday, August 24, 2009

Progress Report

This growing season has been cool and dry. When my plants first went in, I didn't harden them off, so they got pretty burnt and took a while to recover. It is just now starting to get a little warmer and wetter.

I'm wondering if I misunderstand the word "mature" as used on seed packets. It seems, based on the dates I planted seeds and what I'm seeing in my garden, that "mature" does not mean "ready to harvest".

1. Thai Dragon Pepper
Should mature 5/18. Just started turning red.

2. Spanish Utah Onion
Should mature 6/17. A little bigger than a golf ball, sitting on top of the soil.

3. Candy Hybrid Onion
Should mature 6/2. A little bigger than a golf ball, sitting on top of the soil.

4. Sweet Basil
Small bush now. Harvesting regularly.

5. Marigolds
Going crazy, growing like weeds.

6. Petunia Pearls Royal Blue
Growing well, not as bushy as last year's seeds.

7. Morning Glory Clarks's Heavenly Blue
At the top of 3 foot trellis long since having reached to grow even higher.

8. Pepper Carnival Mix
Should mature 5/26. Tiny peppers, just got done flowering.

9. Pepper Big Dipper
Should mature 5/29. Medium sized green peppers, OK to harvest.

10. Cabbage Earliana
Should mature 5/16. Harvested weeks ago.

11. Tomato Super Beefsteak
Should mature 6/15. No red tomatoes yet, just green ones.

12. Snapdragon Tall Deluxe Mixed Colors
A couple snapdragons came up, just about done flowering now. Harvested seeds today.

13. Petunias from last year's seeds.
Going crazy, growing like weeds.

14. Tomato Sun Gold Hybrid
Should mature 6/3. I have been eating these since 2 weeks ago.Moderate amount of tomatoes ripening now.

15. Tomato Big Boy Hybrid
Should mature 6/16. No red tomatoes yet, just a couple of green ones.

16. Cabbage Red AcreShould mature 6/15-20.
One of two survived. Small head, not quite ready to harvest.

17. Cabbage Premium Flat Dutch Late
Should mature 6/20-7/10. Small head, not ready to harvest yet, but soon.

18. Cabbage Early Jersey Wakefield
Should mature 6/3. Large head, past ready to harvest. Multiple smaller heads growing alongside primary head.

19. Okra Red Burgundy
Should mature 7/1. Each plant has only one okra on it, but each plant is now growing more leaves.

20. Zinnia Sombrero
Healthy, small plants. Some have gone to seed.

21. Cilantro
Way past prime. Seeds about to mature.

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