Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dreaming of Winter

Hah! Today is the FIRST beautiful, hot day of summer this year. And I just realized that I should have planted my winter garden ???last month???.

I'm not sure though. I've never planted a garden that's supposed to produce in fall, winter, or spring. With the notable exception of spring bulbs.

Right now I am enjoying the butterflies in my garden. Last year, the first year of the garden, there were few insects and next to no butterflies. Now, I can see them when I drive by. Lots of cabbage moths, a yellow swallowtail, a monarch...

So, unlike my summer garden, which I dream of during the cold months, in this month of plenty, it is hard to dream of a winter garden. But I should. Time to get those seeds/bulbs in the ground!

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