Monday, May 18, 2009

Veggies are In

Statistically, our last frost should be before May 12th. This year, we had frost warnings on May 16th. Fortunately, the frost did not come. I planted my vegetable garden yesterday, May 17th.

I have really been looking forward to getting my seedlings in the ground. These are the seedlings that I've been growing under my grow lights since March.

I decided not to harden them off since they've been in a breezy south window. I know it will be hard on some of them. So far, only the morning glories look bad, and I think they'll recover.

"Welcome to my Garden." This sign was a gift from a friend and it is perfect for this corner of my garden.

It was supposed to rain today, but it didn't.

My veggie garden is horseshoe shaped. The pictures above don't line up perfectly, but they'll give you an idea.

On the left/west: peppers and cabbages.
At the end/north: cucumbers, morning glories, onions, leeks and cabbages.
On the right/east: tomatoes, okra, chard, basil, cilantro, dill (just seeded), and a couple of random marigolds and petunias.

Dan's tricot cabbage. Alive and well. The bugs and the bunnies have left it alone so far.

The tulips are past their peak, but still beautiful. Daffodils are still coming up.

Neighbor kids who wanted their picture taken. I think they're prettier than my flowers : )
My garden has a new blog: This is the official blog for the Augsburg Community Garden.

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