Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Onions' First Haircut

I was wonering why all of my onions were laying down. So I looked online. The details vary, but most sources recommend allowing onion seedlings to grow to 4" tall, then trimming them to 3". This should be repeated as needed until the seedlings are transplanted outside. The physical movement of the seedlings during the trimming process promotes stiffness. And the shorter length promotes girth.



Onion seedlings are tasty, by the way. They taste like mild chives.

Addendum, 4/11:
-My Candy Hybrid Onion is thriving. Each plant had one shoot that was 5" tall today. I trimmed these back to 3" again. All six seedlings are healthy.
-My Spanish Utah Onion, on the other hand, hasn't grown much at all. One plant shriveled up and died and one was eaten by my cat. Of six plants: 2 died, 2 are small and not too healthy looking, 2 are vigorous.

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