Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I'm Back

After a long hiatus, I am back to my blog. Since I last posted, I have moved and, for a time, didn't have a garden. This weekend, my husband build me a raised garden bed and I am back to gardening.

The garden bed is filled with garden blend soil, a combination of topsoil, manure and compost. It is 18" high, by 4' wide, by 12' long. It is located in the sunniest spot in our yard.

Today, I planted three chive plants that had been awaiting homes and eight cloves of garlic. I don't know what variety the garlic is. It is a hardneck that came from the farmers' market. I planted it to the west (right) of the chives. I had some garlic scapes and cloves from the year before last. They were all dessicated and I don't believe they are viable. So I threw them in to see what would happen. Probably nothing, but, at worst, they'll be compost.

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