Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Late March Gardening

Lettuce and pea seedlings. They're happy. I got lucky when I planted them. It was warm and it rained and has been raining off and on since then.

Our garlics are happy.

My eternally happy Dianthus isn't looking so happy now. There is green at the tips. But, usually, this is the first and greenest thing in my garden. Did it not like the mild winter?

Morning Glory seeds on the bricks. This is (hopefully) exciting. I'm hoping that there will be lots of volunteer morning glories this year.

Oops! I guess I missed the dwarf irises this year.

If you asked me when asparagus came up, I would not have guessed, "between the crocuses and the tulips/daffodils." I'm always learning. This isn't my asparagus. It's the neighbor's.

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