Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Early Summer Success

It has been in the 90s with high humidity (heat index more than 100F) every day this week. And it has rained every day or two. The plants are loving it. I wish we could order up this weather every summer!

My peppers look better than ever. My bella hot peppers have many, mature peppers on them. The thai dragon peppers have many big green peppers. Last year was such a bad year for peppers. Even the thai dragons didn't grow well. And this year is great. I'll have to take note of when I planted/transplanted. I think it helped to make more room for them when the peas came out.

The kohlrabis are small right now because they're very crowded. I picked a couple to thin them out this evening.

The first small, green tomatoes have arrived.

The garlics should have been harvested a couple of weeks ago. One of these years we'll learn and get out there on time.

This guy was supper. I fried up onion and hot italian sausage, then steamed the cabbage over it. Delicious.

This is the first cauliflower I've grown. It is thigh-high now due to our recent heat wave. It takes up a lot of space in the garden.

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