Saturday, May 14, 2011

Planted Cabbage and Onions Today

I planted one cauliflower, four cabbages, and a bunch of onion seedlings today. I hadn't planned to plant them, but I was outside and so where they. And the weather was beautiful for transplanting: grey and rainy. So, in they went.

From south to north along the east side of the flower bed:
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
Red Acre Cabbage
Earliana Cabbage
Premium Flat Dutch Late Cabbage

I put one of three zinnia plants in my flower bed. I think I would have put them all in, except the other two were hiding in the flat between the other plants and I didn't see them. I don't think that's a bad thing. I suspect that the zinnias would prefer to go in when it's a little warmer anyway.

I planted the marigold and cosmos seedlings in the border area. I think I would have waited to plant them, but there were big footprints in that area of the border, where I had already planted marigold, cosmos, and sunflower seeds. The seedlings are already blooming and will (hopefully!) mark the area as planted.

My tomato seedlings look terrible. They are leggy, bent over, with small leaves and weak stems. I think I started the seeds too early. I also think they'll grow just fine outside when they get a little more room.

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