Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Begins

We haven't had frost yet. But it's threatening to come soon. We pulled the tomatoes yesterday. They still had some red tomatoes, but the green tomatoes have pretty much stopped turning red. So up they came. Now there's a lot more room in the garden. Man, those cherry tomatoes are monsters!

I've never seen onions at the end of their second year in the ground so I don't really know what to expect. But I was suprised to see our onions beginning to sprout again. This spring, they sprouted, put up seed heads, then all of the green parts turned brown and crispy. And, now, little green shoots are reemerging.

We planted seeds in the greenhouse and outside. In the greenhouse, I planted radishes, lettuce, and, optimistically, turnips and kohlrabi. Outside, we planted radishes and lettuce. It's probably too late for the outdoor seedlings to survive, but it's always worth a try!

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