Monday, October 25, 2010

So Long Summer

We have had beautiful, unusual weather this fall. October has been very warm, with daily highs in the 70s, and very dry. That is supposed to end this week with rain for the next three days, then frost on Thursday 10/28. We'll see if the forecast is right. I suppose we do need frost some time!

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last night for supper I had:
Mashed celeriac and potatoes with mascarpone (an almost butter-like cheese) and a dash of salt.
Stir fried kohlrabi with lots of onion, a little garlic, MSG, salt, and pepper.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Frost Yet

No frost yet. The average first frost is 10/5 and it's already 10/16 with no frost in sight!


Fall crocuses. I thought they wouldn't come up. Then, all of a sudden, there they were!

Snapdragons and California poppies bloomed all summer and all fall.

Radish seedlings.

Freshly dug dirt. Beginning the preparation for winter.

I've never been good at growing carrots. This might be the biggest I've ever grown.

Pepper harvest. They'd stopped growing and were just hanging on the plants waiting for frost.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fall Begins

We haven't had frost yet. But it's threatening to come soon. We pulled the tomatoes yesterday. They still had some red tomatoes, but the green tomatoes have pretty much stopped turning red. So up they came. Now there's a lot more room in the garden. Man, those cherry tomatoes are monsters!

I've never seen onions at the end of their second year in the ground so I don't really know what to expect. But I was suprised to see our onions beginning to sprout again. This spring, they sprouted, put up seed heads, then all of the green parts turned brown and crispy. And, now, little green shoots are reemerging.

We planted seeds in the greenhouse and outside. In the greenhouse, I planted radishes, lettuce, and, optimistically, turnips and kohlrabi. Outside, we planted radishes and lettuce. It's probably too late for the outdoor seedlings to survive, but it's always worth a try!