Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Garden Thief

I got this e-mail today:

"The 5th street garden has lost a number of plants this year and some have showed up in the Augsburg garden. I noticed when I walked past your plot last week that you have a grouping of flowers that are the same one's that 5th street had planted and then they disappeared this year. The flowers are some perennials and some annuals. They are dianthus-pink and magenta and white, caradoon(sage colored pointy edged leaves), snapdragons and California poppies. I was wondering how you came by these plants? If by chance someone gave them to you, maybe they could be returned to 5th street. I would be happy to dig them up and transplant them"

I kindly directed the author of the e-mail to review the pertinent entries in my blog regarding each plant. But who would have ever thought that I would ever have to enter my garden blog as evidence! It does tarnish my garden joy a little.

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