Saturday, July 24, 2010

Aphids and Summer Gardening

One of my artichokes is unhappy. This is the artichoke that I vernalized and I want it to live so I can compare it to the other one which was not vernalized. Unfortunately, I think the ants are nursing aphids on it. That would explain why it's not growing as well as the other one.

My next project, apparently, is trying to find a good, organic, solution to aphids.
Ants and Aphids on Artichoke.

Ants on Artichoke.

In other news...I went out to the garden today and the person who had started gardening in the plot that I'm plot-sitting for had pulled up their stakes and left.

My cabbages are beginning to split. So I harvested one. Now to find cabbage recipes for yummy, sweet cabbage.

The greenhouse was HOT today. I mean sauna hot. The door on one end was closed. I think my ripe tomatoes were actually cooked and ready for sauce.

Bachelor Button.

I now have all the makings of something good:

Somewhat Ugly, but Hopefully Yummy Tomato.

Thai Dragon Peppers.

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