Monday, January 25, 2010

Lights, Camera, Artichokes

I took down my Christmas tree today and put up the grow lights (many thanks to Dan).

My overly optimistic garden adventure this year is artichokes. Artichokes require a long growing season, which Minnesota does not offer. However, it is reported to like cool nights, which Minnesota does have.

So I've decided to try starting it under grow lights in January. I've read that artichokes typically don't produce their first year, but that they can be forced by providing them with a cool period in late spring (to fool them into thinking they're in their second year).

I purchased Imperial Artichokes from Park Seed Co. The packet states: sow seeds indoors 5-7 weeks before last frost. 10-20 days to germination. So here goes...
"Peat" pots with now-planted artichoke seeds.

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's *Almost* Spring

I've started to browse the seed catalogs for ideas and I've started to plan what I want to plant.

My only "musts" are tomatoes and basil. I know they're not terribly interesting, but there are few better foods than fresh tomatoes and basil.

I haven't put together the grow light shelving...yet. I think I'll plant the artichoke seeds this weekend, but they take a while to germinate so the shelves aren't needed just yet.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

January Gardening

It is 33 degrees F today and it feels downright balmy. I went out to check on the garden today.

I was curious to see if there were any mice burrows. I was worried because I mulched my garden before it frosted. I was warned against doing this because it makes it more inviting to mice. But, last winter, I lost a lot of my spring bulbs due to the cold and I wasn't patient enough to wait until after frost. I did not find any mouse holes or burrows, just a lot of bunny tracks.
The snow is about 10 inches deep.