Saturday, June 2, 2012

Tomato Day

Even though the nights are still getting cold (40-50F), I decided to put my tomatoes in the ground. Last year, I tried some fancy pants "heirloom" varieties of tomatoes. I was disappointed. They were not disease resistant and did not produce well. It might have been the weather last year, but, with my limited garden space, I decided that I wanted something more reliable. So I put in two 6" seedlings:
1) Better Boy - "vigorous vines yield tasty tomatoes with excellent disease resistance. Indeterminate plant produces a continuous supply of fruit until frost."
2) Champion - "provides high yields of very sweet, solid meaty tomatoes. Disease resistant. Indeterminate vines."

How did I forget last year that seedlings go on sale after Memorial Day. Note to self: Buy plants the weekend after Memorial Day. 33% off! 

I have put in some annuals as well:
1) Stock - Harmony Mix
2) Marigold - French Dwarf - Safari Mix (this one has a pretty orange and yellow petal)
3) French tarragon
4) Vietnamese Coriander (Rau Rahm)
5) Linum Perenne - Sapphire - pretty blue flower
6) Sweet basil - genovese
7) Thai basil
8) Greek Columnar basil 
9) Lobelia - Regatta mix (pink, purple, and blue)
10) Petunia - hurrah blue (that really dark, velvety purple)
11) Fenugreek
12) Phlox subulata - creeping phlox - candy stripe (pretty pink and white petals)
13) Thai hot pepper

The little thai pepper is sad. I think the plant actually shrunk since I planted it two weeks ago. Maybe it likes warmer weather. And I've nearly weeded the Vietnamese coriander out multiple times. It looks like a weed. The fenugreek looks like alfalfa so I have to resist weeding that one, too.

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