Monday, March 21, 2011

Crocuses Blooming

Today I walked out to my garden and had yellow, white, and purple crocuses blooming. So I went in and grabbed my camera. Then I got distracted and grabbed a bunch of seeds and the camera. Then I planted a bunch of seeds. And, when I looked over, the sky had become cloudy and my crocuses were closed! I took one picture anyway:
Closed crocus.

I looked through all of my seed packets and grabbed every one that said, "plant as soon as the soil is workable."

Counter-clockwise, this is what I planted:
Corn salad
Sugar sprint snap pea
Sugar daddy pea
Bordeaux hybrid spinach

Super sugar snap pea
Wild garden lettuce mix
Miners lettuce*/Cherry belle radish (south) & Roma II bush bean & Edamame soybean (north)
Cherry belle radish (south) & Roma II bush bean** & Edamame soybean (north)

Blue curled vates kale** & purple top white globe turnip & scarlet nantes carrot**
Early snowball cauliflower & scarlet nantes carrot**
Early vienna white & purple kohlrabi & scarlet nantes carrot**

*I didn't plant many Miner's lettuce seeds because I'm running low and want to do a second planting.
**These seeds were all old so I'm not expecting high/any germination. I just dumped them in to use up the old packets.

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