Saturday, April 17, 2010

Our plots were labeled with signs this week.

Dan's garlics are doing great (right). My onion seedlings, however, didn't get watered when I was out of town and are mostly dead. Fortunately, I had leftover seedlings. So I'm going to try again.

Tulips are in full bloom. I have about 30 bulbs blooming.

I was excited to see my lilies up.

I intentionally planted the same seeds in my garden and in the greenhouse on the same day. I wanted to see how their growth compared.
This is the lettuce in my garden. The bunnies have helped keep it nice and trimmed.

This is the same lettuce in the greenhouse (foreground).

The view out the door of the greenhouse. If you look hard, you can see my tulips on the far right.

I harvested some radishes earlier this week and again today. They're still small and young. But who wants 50 radishes all at the same time? I ate both the root and the greens. I need to work on a way to eat the greens since the leaves are kind of hairy and it's a weird texture when you eat it.

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