Monday, March 9, 2009


Today I sat down with Dan and decided what we wanted to plant. I went through my "garden box" and discovered that I have accumulated a lot of seeds over the last 15 years. And then we went to Linder's to pick up what I didn't have.

My job: thai peppers, purple petunias, and onions.
Dan's job: cabbage, bell peppers, anc cucumbers.

Of course, we found a few things we didn't know we needed before.

I looked over my planting calendar and it looks like the onions are overdue for planting. So I got them in today. Awww, my first plants. The thai peppers, it appears, like to start early, too. So they're in as well. Fresh potting soil smells good.

Today I planted:
1. Thai Dragon Pepper
2. Spanish Utah Onion
3. Candy Hybrid Onion

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