Wednesday, April 2, 2014

"Workable" Soil

It has been a long winter. We had record cold temps, record snowfall, and record duration of days below zero. So, needless to say, we are all looking forward to spring.
Chives are the first signs of life in the garden.
The signs of spring are evident in the usual places. The trees are budding and the birds' songs are those of spring. The back yard is a mix of ice and mud. March has been here in all of her early spring glory.
Workable soil.
Garden helper.
So I took advantage of the "workable" soil to get in the first seeds of spring this afternoon. By "workable" soil, I mean mud with a little bit of ice that I needed to break up.

I plan to plant successive plantings of my cold-weather plants, every two weeks, this spring. Today, the high temp was 41F and we're expecting another 8-14 inches of snow over the next two days. So it seemed like a good time to get the first seeds in.

I put in seeds for radishes, lettuce, spinach, corn salad, rutabaga, beets, bok choi, onions and peas.

 I haven't planted shallot sets before. So I thought I would give them a try this year.