Monday, August 8, 2011

Blue Moon Gladiolus is Pink

This is the picture on the package:

This is the flower that is growing in my garden:

Beautiful, but not what I had expected.

Bonnie Best Tomato

I removed dear Bonnie Best from my garden today. She looked so beautiful when I bought her at the green house. But one leaf turned brown and the rest followed. With so many varieties of tomatoes to try, I think this is not the most disease resistant.

Fall Seeds Planted

I planted my fall seeds. Some should have been planted in July. But I figure late has better odds than never.

Pac Choi -Ching-Chiang. 40 days. "Dwarf."

Chinese Cabbage - Soloist Hybrid: 40-50 days. "Baby." Recommends planting indoors in July and transplanting in August.

Beets - Merlin: 55 days. Neon-colored red. Recommends planting in July.

Kale - Wild Garden Kales: 30 days. An array of Siberian kales. Recommends planting in June-July.

Lettuce - Arctic Tundra Blend: 50-75 days. A blend of the most winter-hardy lettuces. Recommends planting in August-Sept.

Spinach - Bordeaux Hybrid: 40 days. Recommends planting in July and August.