Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Bulbs

What is this plant?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Five Weeks, Four Days to Last Frost

This is what the garden looks like today. Amazingly, there are still piles of snow around that have survived the 40-50 degree temperatures late this week.
Last year I planted hollyhocks at the base of this trellis. I looked under the leaf matter and they aren't sprouting yet. I'm not surprised. It seems that, so far, only the very early plants have begun to sprout. There are no dandelions sprouting outside yet and they're one of the earliest.

Crocuses. You never realize in the fall how much you'll enjoy them in the spring.

I am surprised that white is my favorite color for crocuses. I would think that color, ANY color would be a welcome relief after the whites, greys, and browns of winter. But the crocuses are such a pure white color, so pristine and fresh. And they contrast beautifully against the damp soil.

The annual eating of the crocuses. I'm blaming bunnies.

The first garlic sprout? It's in the patch where the garlics are planted, but it doesn't really look like a garlic.

In the greenhouse I planted (from left to right):
1. Sugar Spring - Snap Pea
2. Bordeaux Hybrid - Spinach
3. Super Sugar Snap - Pea
4. Corn Salad
5. Miner's Lettuce

In between the older rows, I also planted some turnip seeds in six spots. I really enjoyed the turnips from the greenhouse last year.