Monday, February 21, 2011

Twelve Inches of Snow

We got another 12 inches of snow yesterday and right now it looks like it is snowing harder than it did yesterday.

This is what we're doing while we wait:

I planted celeriac seeds today.
Celeriac seeds are tiny.

Oops. Forgot to water the artichoke. Well, if it survives, we'll know it's a hardy one.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Grey Haze

The days remain short, the skies cloudy, and it is foggy. The ground is covered in a thick blanket of now old snow and the fog has left a coat of frost on everything.

It is a grey haze. No color. No contrast. No brightness. Just grey.

Daisy Duds

The Gerbera daisy seeds I planted are duds. It has been two weeks of water, soil, and warmth and no seedlings. They are seeds from cut flowers. So I guess I was optimistic to try.
Daisy Pots
Artichoke seedlings.